With the “–ip_server_name” option in Inadyn you can manually setup to use an alternative to checkip.dyndns.org such as www.antifart.com/stuff/checkip. The syntax within your setup for the above example would be “–ip_server_name www.antifart.com:80 /stuff/checkip/index.php” which would go to http://www.antifart.com:80/stuff/checkip/index.php
Read this for more information on the initial setup of Inadyn and it’s general configuration.
If you would like to create your own person web page to generate the IP address for your dynamic DNS client then here is a example and the code I used about for www.antifart.com/stuff/checkip/index.php:
<html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>
<? echo "$REMOTE_ADDR"; ?><?php echo $REMOTE_ADDR; ?>
<? $rmt = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; echo ”Current IP Address: $rmt”; ?>
This code will not work around proxy servers. I’m sure there is code that will. This is not to be confused with the proxy server options and support in Inadyn.
Good luck.com